1. 마윈 귀국 하루만에… 6개 사업부문으로 알리바바 전격 분할
Alibaba announced plans to turn itself into a holding company overseeing six divisions, which could potentially pursue their own stockmarket listing. The six units will include the Chinese tech company’s struggling cloud-computing business, media and e-commerce.
2. UBS, 에르모티 전CEO 다시 불렀다…'CS 인수 총책임 맡는다'
Sergio Ermotti is returning to ubs as chief executive to guide the Swiss bank’s emergency takeover of Credit Suisse.
3. CS 붕괴 후폭풍…최대주주 사우디국립은행 회장 사임
Ammar al-Khudairy resigned as chairman of Saudi National Bank, a big investor in the Swiss bank. His comments in March about not investing more in Credit Suisse were followed by a market rout.
4. 도이치뱅크 '위기설'‥"지표는 안정적"
Deutsche Bank clawed back most of the losses from a sell-off caused by the soaring price of its credit-default swaps, which act as an insurance against a default on its debts.
5. 美 퍼스트 시티즌스銀, '파산' SVB 새주인됐다 ... 모든 예금·대출 포함
America’s Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation engineered the sale of Silicon Valley Bank’s deposits and loans to First Citizens, a bank based in North Carolina.
6. 美당국, 바이낸스·CEO 제소
Binance, the world’s biggest crypto exchange, faced its most serious legal challenge yet when a regulator in America accused it of operating illegally.
7. 구조조정 돌입한 디즈니, 메타버스 사업 결국 중단
Bob Iger continued his shake-up of Disney. Isaac Perlmutter was removed as chairman of Marvel Entertainment (which is separate from Marvel Studios); his relationship with Mr Iger has been described as rocky.
8. 엘리엇, 세일즈포스 비용절감 노력에…이사회 진출 철회
Elliott Management, an activist hedge fund, withdrew plans to nominate directors to the board of Salesforce, after the business-software company produced a solid set of earnings and a new strategy for growth.
9. 트위터 소스 코드 온라인 유출
Bits of the source code that underlies Twitter were published on GitHub, a repository for open-source software.
10. 골드만삭스 "AI로 생산성 높여 세계경제 연 7% 성장 가능", 글로벌 일자리의 '18%', 챗GPT에 밀려 사라진다
A study by Goldman Sachs estimated that two-thirds of jobs in America and Europe could be affected by generative artificial-intelligence, and 7% of workers could lose their jobs.
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