1. 산유국 '깜짝 감산'에 국제유가 급등…물가·금리 영향 촉각
Oil prices rose sharply after opec+ announced a surprise cut to production. The cartel said it wanted to support stability in the market, which is another way of saying it didn’t like the dip in oil prices in mid-March.
2. UBS, CS 인수 후 20~30% 감원 계획…최대 3만6천명
UBS may cut up to 30% of the workforce, around 36,000 jobs, in the newly combined bank that emerges from its emergency takeover of Credit Suisse.
3. 英 HSBC "中 최대주주의 아시아지점 분사 요구 반대"
The chairman of HSBC, Mark Tucker, faced irate shareholders at a meeting in Hong Kong. Influential investors in the Chinese territory support proposals for HSBC to spin off its Asian business, which provides most of the bank’s profits.
4. 회장 실종 차이나 르네상스, 주식거래 중단·감사결과 발표 연기
China Renaissance Holdings, an investment bank based in Beijing, suspended trading in its shares and postponed its audited annual results, because the auditors cannot contact Bao Fan, the bank’s chairman and founder, to sign off the report.
5. 영국, 유럽 최초 日주도 CPTPP 합류… 12번째 회원국
The 11 countries in Asia and the Pacific that comprise the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership agreed to let Britain join the free-trade pact.
6. 유로존 3월 소비자물가 6.9% 상승…상승폭 둔화; 근원 물가지수는 2월 5.6%에서 5.7%로 올라 사상 최고
The euro zone’s annual rate of inflation slowed significantly in March, to 6.9% from 8.5% the previous month.
7. 호주 중앙은행, 10연속 금리 인상 끝에 3.6%로 금리동결
Australia’s central bank left its key interest rate unchanged at 3.6%, after a round of ten consecutive rises since May.
8. '괴짜 억만장자의 기행' 버진오빗, 결국 파산 절차 돌입
Virgin Orbit filed for bankruptcy protection in America. The satellite-launch firm, backed by Sir Richard Branson, went public on the Nasdaq stock exchange in 2021 by merging with a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC).
9. 테슬라, 1분기 판매량 42만2천875대로 급증…가격 인하 영향
Tesla delivered almost 423,000 cars in the first quarter, up by around a third from the same period last year.
10. 이탈리아, 챗GPT 차단…GDPR 위반 여부 조사
Italy’s data-protection regulator temporarily banned Chatgpt because of concerns over privacy violations.
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