1. 유로존 5월 물가상승률 8.1%로 사상 최고치 기록, 통화 긴축/재정 정상화 추진(마이너스 금리 탈피 시사)
Surging prices may mean that it will opt for bolder increases than currently envisaged, perhaps of half a percentage point.
2. 옐런 재무장관 '인플레 오판' 시인…
in 2021 she “didn’t fully understand” the risks from supply-chain bottlenecks and other factors that have driven America’s inflation rate to a 40-year high, but that the government recognised them now.
3. 인도 1분기 경제성장률 4.1%… 3분기 연속 감소세
After rebounding from covid-19, the country is now beset by rising prices.
4. EU, '올 연말까지 러시아 석유 수입 90% 줄인다' 금지안 합의
the EU's long-delayed agreement to place an embargo on Russian oil.
5. 미 대법, SNS 콘텐츠 삭제 금지 텍사스법에 제동
a law in Texas would stop social-media platforms from removing content they label as misinformation or extremist.
The world this week | Business
Jun 2nd 2022
The world this week
No margin for error (0) | 2022.06.15 |
The Economist | JUN 4TH 2022 | A new era (0) | 2022.06.12 |
The Economist | Jun 11 2022 | Artificial intelligence’s new frontier (0) | 2022.06.12 |
세계는 새로운 핵질서의 시대 진입 (0) | 2022.06.10 |
22/05/14 주목받는 인도의 미래 (0) | 2022.05.21 |
댓글 영역