JUN 4TH 2022 | A new era
1. 푸틴 핵위협으로 이미 세계는 새로운 핵질서의 시대로 진입
A new nuclear era
With his threats to use the bomb, Russia’s president has overturned the nuclear order
2. 미국 경기침체의 강도는 약하더라도 매우 큰 파장을 가져올 것으로 우려됨
America’s next recession
A downturn looks likely. If it happens it will be mild but messy
3. 중국 정보기관에 대한 냉정한 역량 평가
China’s overrated spies
They are good at hacking and harassing dissidents. But in other areas China’s spooks have a lot to learn
4. 회사에서 진정한 자아를 드러내지 말아야 할 이유
Don’t take your whole self to work
It is a bad idea
5. 간과하기 어려워진 기업간 스파이행위
Corporate snooping
Spying in business is entering a worrying new era. Companies need to take it more seriously
6. 빅테크 기업들의 채용 축소 전망
Big tech’s jobs slowdown
Big tech’s redhot jobs market may be cooling
7. 중국 지방정부자금조달기구의 복잡한 역할
Growth v debt | China’s growth dilemma
A curious breed of financing vehicle illustrates a dilemma for policymakers
Artificial intelligence’s new frontier - 기반 모델 (0) | 2022.06.17 |
No margin for error (0) | 2022.06.15 |
The world this week | Business | Jun 2nd 2022 (0) | 2022.06.12 |
The Economist | Jun 11 2022 | Artificial intelligence’s new frontier (0) | 2022.06.12 |
세계는 새로운 핵질서의 시대 진입 (0) | 2022.06.10 |
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