1. 이스라엘은 극단주의자들의 힘을 약화시킬 새로운 정치적 합의 필요
Survivor nation | As Israel turns 75, its biggest threats now come from within
The country needs a new political settlement that diminishes the power of extremists
2. 서방이 F-16 전투기를 우크라이나에 제공하지 않으면 제공권은 러시아로 넘어감
The war in Ukraine | The West should supply Ukraine with F-16s
Or Russian fighter jets may win control of Ukrainian skies
3. 달러는 여전히 강력하지만, 이를 회피하려는 움직임도 만만치 않음
Heavy lies the crown | The power and the limits of the American dollar
The greenback is still king. But those who want to evade it are finding ways to do so
4. 고금리 시대에도 여전히 매력적인 사모 금융시장
Private’s progress | Private markets remain attractive, even in a higher-rate world
Private credit, not buy-outs, is stealing the limelight
5. 한국은 미국을 최우선 파트너로 두면서 중국을 압박하는 방향을 확정함
Asian geopolitics
South Korea has America in its face and China breathing down its neck
6. 시진핑 체제에서 어떻게 유니콘기업을 키워낼 것인가
A new breed of unicorn
How to make it big in Xi Jinping’s China
7. 수수께끼 속의 독일-중국간 비즈니스 커플링
A continuing conundrum
Business links between Germany and China are under review
8. 다수가 나쁜 상사로 지목하는 사람은 나쁜 상사가 맞다
If enough people think you’re a bad boss, then you are
9. 벼랑 끝에 선 First Republic 은행
Banking chaos
First Republic Bank is on the edge of a precipice
10. 투자자들은 경제 호황을 두려워할 이유가 있다
Buttonwood | Investors have reason to fear a strong economy
Meet the next pain trade
11. 경제학자와 투자자는 소비자 심리에 대한 관심을 줄여야 한다
Free exchange | Economists and investors should pay less attention to consumers
Their thoughts can be misleading
APR 29TH 2023 | Survivor nation: Israel at 75
The world this week | Business | Apr 27th 2023 (0) | 2023.04.30 |
The world this week | Business | Apr 20th 2023 (0) | 2023.04.22 |
APR 15TH 2023 | How to survive a superpower split (0) | 2023.04.16 |
The world this week | Business | Apr 13th 2023 (0) | 2023.04.14 |
The world this week | Business | Apr 5th 2023 (0) | 2023.04.08 |
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