JUL 2ND 2022 | How to win the long war
1. 우크라이나 전쟁의 장기화
Ukraine | How to win the long war
After doing well early in the war, Ukraine is losing ground. What next?
2. VC의 혹한기는 닷컴 버블 수준까지 심각해질까
Venture capital | The reckoning
The startup bust is bad, but not as bad as the dotcom fiasco
3. 아시아의 금융허브로 부상한 싱가포르의 고민
Global financial centres | A new order in Asia
Singapore is on top in Asian finance. The biggest risks to its primacy are at home
4. 비즈니스맨을 위한 여름휴가 독서 목록
Bartleby | Beach reads for business folk
What to read when you are not working
5. 유럽이 러시아 가스가 없이 겨울을 날수 있을까
The energy crunch | Power outrage
Can Europe keep the lights on this winter?
6. 연준이 대중의 기대 인플레이션을 꺾기 힘든 이유
Surging inflation | The top of the hill
People’s inflation expectations are rising—and will be hard to bring down
7. 주식시장에서 백기투항의 조건(바닥은 언제 오는가)
Buttonwood | Terms of surrender
“Capitulation”, the last phase of a rout, can seem like a sort of mania
8. 강하고 조용한 중앙은행(사전적 정잭방향 제시의 의미)
Free exchange | Forward misguidance
The case for strong and silent central banks
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