1. 5%…'유럽의 병자' 伊·그리스 수준으로 전락한 英 국채
The turmoil pushed up the costs of financing Britain’s government debt, with the interest rate on ten-year bonds climbing back to levels that prompted the Bank of England’s first emergency intervention in September.
2. 미국 주택담보대출 금리 6.81%…2006년 이후 최고
The rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has climbed above 6.8%, the highest level since 2006
3. IMF, 내년 세계경제 성장률 전망 2.7%로 하향/ 올해 한국 성장률 전망 2.3%→2.6%/ 내년 성장 전망 2.1%→2.0%
- 2.9%(1월) -> 2.1%(7월) -> 2.0%(10월)
Global inflation is expected to peak later this year but remain elevated in 2023.
With the world economy “headed for stormy waters” the imf thinks that investors will turn to safe assets, such as us Treasuries, pushing the dollar even higher.
The near future will be “more volatile, more fragile”.
4. 웨스팅하우스, 새 주인 찾았다…‘신재생·핵연료’ 컨소시엄에 매각
In order for the world to hit net-zero carbon goals, nuclear generation needs to double by 2050.
5. ‘미국의, 미국을 위한’ IRA, 수출주도 한국경제 ‘지각변동’
The new rules will make it much harder for Chinese companies to develop supercomputers and will slow their advance in artificial intelligence, a technology in which China claims to be a world leader.
6. 3분기 PC 출하량 20% 감소…애플만 '나홀로 성장'
It is the biggest decline in the consulting firm’s survey since it began tracking the market in the mid-1990s.
7. 메타, 가상현실 헤드셋 '퀘스트프로' 전격 공개…가격 215만원
Facebook’s parent company launched the Quest Pro this week, which is marketing itself to companies as a means of improving employees’ interaction.
8. 미국인, 강달러에 명품 싹쓸이…LVMH '실적 대박'
Sales highlights included the Tambour Twenty collector’s watch (as “embodied” by Bradley Cooper, an actor). “Despite everything going on in the global economy”, demand for lvmh’s wares remains “vigorous”, said its chief financial officer.
The world this week | Business | Oct 13th 2022
The world this week | Business | Oct 27th 2022 (1) | 2022.10.30 |
The world this week | Business | Oct 20th 2022 (0) | 2022.10.22 |
The world this week | Business | Oct 6th 2022 (0) | 2022.10.12 |
The world this week | Business | Sep 29th 2022 (0) | 2022.10.03 |
The world this week | Business | Sep 15th 2022 (1) | 2022.09.17 |
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