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본문 제목

The world this week | Business | Aug 26, 2022

카테고리 없음

by ryanshin77 2022. 8. 26. 08:54


1. “트위터, 보안·가짜계정 관리에 심각한 결함”···전 간부 내부 고발 파문
A whistleblower claimed that Twitter had “egregious deficiencies” in data privacy and other sensitive areas, and had misled regulators over its cyber defences.

2. 中, 5년 전 강제 연행한 억만장자에게 징역 13년 선고
Xiao Jianhua, a Chinese financier connected to China’s political elite, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for several corruption crimes,

3. 중국, 사실상 기준금리 0.05%p 인하…7개월 만에 내려
China’s benchmark mortgage lending rate was cut for the third time this year.

4. 유로화 가치, 20년만에 최저치...1유로=0.99달러로 패리티 깨져
The weaker euro increases the cost of imports, pushing up prices, notably for energy.

5. 터키, 인플레 80% 달하는데 금리는 1% 인하
Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, once again ruled out increasing interest rates, despite annual inflation running at 80%.

6. 英 2020년 GDP 감소율 11%로 수정 '311년來 최악'
Revised figures showed that the British economy shrank by 11% in 2020, the largest fall in gdp since 1709.

7. 줌 비디오, 2분기 실적 부진에 주가 하락…"상장 이후 최악의 분기"
Zoom’s earnings disappointed investors. Revenue at the videoconference company grew by just 8% in the three months to July 31st, year on year.

8. 인텔, 브룩필드에서 300억 달러 조달…한국·대만과 본격 경쟁
Intel secured investment from Brookfield Infrastructure Partners to develop a $30bn factory near Phoenix.

9. 세계 최대 극장 체인 英 시네월드, 파산보호 신청 고려
Cineworld is considering bankruptcy protection. The world’s second-biggest cinema chain, which owns the Regal brand in America, has accumulated a mountain of debt.

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