1. 英, 역성장 와중에 G7 첫 두자릿수 물가/ 치솟는 에너지 요금에 '몸살'
Higher energy costs were the main factor behind rising prices, but transport and food also added to the squeeze on household bills.
2. 日, 2분기 GDP 성장률은 전기 대비 0.5%/ 시장 예상치는 하회했지만, 유로존 일부 국가를 제외하고 상대적으로 양호
Japan’s gdp expanded by 0.5% in the quarter, having registered zero growth at the start of year. The country’s economy is now back to its pre-pandemic size
3. 월마트의 애매한 성적표… 매출 늘었는데 판매량 줄었다
customer behaviour had changed, with lower-income shoppers buying more canned meat and less deli produce, and that it was seeing more higher-income consumers in its shops.
4. 미·유럽, 가스 가격 7~10% 폭등...공급차질 우려 심화
Prices of natural gas surged again in Europe, amid more jitters about the reliability of Russian supplies, problems with gas-carrying barges navigating the Rhine and traders trying to shore up gas stocks ahead of the winter.
5. 독일 에너지기업 유니퍼 상반기 17조원 적자…전기 가격 급등 우려 ↑(주요 러 가스 수입업체)
Uniper, Germany’s biggest distributor of gas, reported a €12.3bn ($12.5bn) loss for the first half of the year.
6. 사우디 아람코 2분기 순이익 역대 최고 63.2조원(전년 동기 +90%)
Saudi Aramco reported another record quarterly profit. Saudi Arabia’s state oil company saw net income rise by 90%, year on year, to $48.4bn. That’s almost as much as the combined headline profits of bp, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell in the second quarter.
7. 중국 인민은행 정책금리 인하, 부동산 경기 살려 경제 회복에 집중
The People’s Bank of China reduced its medium-term lending rate slightly to 2.75%. The cut was unexpected and followed the release of disappointing retail sales and manufacturing data.
8. 중국 텐센트 2분기 실적 쇼크…매출 -3%, 순익 -56%
The Chinese tech giant has been ensnared in the government’s clampdown on big tech and has yet to receive a licence this year for any of its new video games, a big part of its business.
9. 애플, 9월부터 ‘주 3일 출근제’ 시행…직원 반발 여전
Apple has reportedly told employees at its headquarters that they must return to the office at least three days a week from September 5th
10. 뉴욕~런던 3시간 30분…초음속 여행시대 정말 오나
Flight times from New York to London could be cut to three and a half hours and from Los Angeles to Sydney to under seven hours when Boom Supersonic’s jets are rolled out for passengers in 2029.
Leaders | Target: Taiwan (0) | 2022.08.21 |
AUG 20TH 2022 | Leashed (0) | 2022.08.21 |
AUG 13TH 2022 | Target: Taiwan (0) | 2022.08.15 |
The world this week | Business | Jul 21st 2022 (0) | 2022.07.23 |
JUL 16TH 2022 | Wake up, Democrats! (0) | 2022.07.16 |
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