1. 미국 7월 물가 8.5% 올라...상승폭 둔화, 인플레 잡히나
The economy is also cooling, shrinking by 0.9% at an annual rate in the second quarter after a contraction of 1.6% in the first.
2. 영국 중앙은행, 금리 0.5%p 인상…27년 만에 최대폭
The bank recently lifted its benchmark rate by half a percentage point, to 1.75%, the biggest rise since 1995.
3. 손정의, 반년만에 50조 원 잃었다…창사 이래 최대적자
The rout in tech shares was not all to blame. The weakened yen led to a ¥820bn foreign-exchange loss. “The world is in great confusion”
4. ‘투자 달인’ 워런 버핏, 2분기 주가 추락으로 57조원 손실
operating income, which excludes the effects of market vicissitudes on Berkshire’s share portfolio, surged to $9.3bn.
댓글 영역