유권자들이 한 목소리로 기후변화 정책을 요구할 때, 정치인들은 움직인다.
In other words, elected officials will adopt specific plans for climate change if their voters demand it. Thanks to activists around the world, we
don’t need to generate demand: Millions of people are already calling for
action. What we do need to do, though, is to translate these calls for action
into pressure that encourages politicians to make the tough choices and
trade-offs necessary to deliver on their promises to reduce emissions.
기후재앙을 피하는 법 - intro (0) | 2022.01.21 |
CH4: HOW WE PLUG IN 전기 생산 (0) | 2022.01.15 |
51 BILLION TO ZERO (0) | 2022.01.15 |
To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others (0) | 2022.01.15 |
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (0) | 2022.01.03 |
댓글 영역