21/09/18 Down the rabbit hole 탈중앙 금융의 잠재력
탈중앙 금융DeFi(rabbit hole토끼 굴)은 금융을 파괴하는 세 가지 기술 트렌드 중 하나이며, 업계 생리를 바꿀 잠재력이 있다.
It has the potential to rewire how the financial system works.
많은 비관론과 우려 속에서도 DeFi는 변화하는 세상에서 자리를 잡고 있으며, 금융분야에서 '90년대 인터넷의 등장과 유사한 수준의 혁신 잠재력을 살펴봐야함
... the rise of an ecosystem of financial services, known as decentralised finance, or “DeFi”, deserves sober consideration. It has the potential to rewire how the financial system works, with all the promise and perils that entails. The proliferation of innovation in DeFi is akin to the frenzy of invention in the early phase of the web. At a time when people live ever more of their lives online, the crypto-revolution could even remake the architecture of the digital economy.
DeFi는 기존 금융의 근본적인 약점을 보완할수 있는 강력한 구조적 장점을 제시함
... Conventional banking requires a huge infrastructure to maintain trust between strangers, from clearing houses and compliance to capital rules and courts. It is expensive and often captured by insiders: think of credit-card fees and bankers’ yachts. By contrast, transactions on a blockchain are trustworthy, cheap, transparent and quick—at least in theory.
DeFi는 스마트 계약을 통해 이미 거래소를 통한 거래, 대출 발행, 예금 수신 등에서 활발하게 사용되고 있음.
* 계약 이행 및 검증의 과정이 네트워크로 자동화 되고, 계약실행 조건을 확인하는 사람의 간섭 없이, 그리고 추가 비용 없이 직접 처리하게 만든 것
... These include trading on exchanges and issuing loans and taking deposits through self-executing agreements called smart contracts. One yardstick of activity is the value of digital instruments being used as collateral: from almost nothing in early 2018 it has reached $90bn. Another is the value of transactions that Ethereum is verifying. In the second quarter this reached $2.5trn, around the same sum as Visa processes and equivalent to a sixth of the activity on Nasdaq, a stock exchange.
메타버스의 성장 속에서 DeFi 역할이 확대 가능
... A better alternative might be decentralised networks that host applications and are run mutually by users. DeFi could provide payments and property rights.
단점으로 지적되어온 과도한 전력소모량 등 이슈는 극복 가능성이 높음
... Ethereum is a self-improvement machine. When it is in high demand the fees it charges for verification can climb, encouraging developers to work on minimising the intensity with which they use it. There will be new versions of Ethereum; other, better blockchains could one day replace it.
또한, 기존 금융시스템과의 통합이라는 어려운 과제는 govcoin(정부 발행 디지털통화)과의 결합을 통해 이뤄낼 가능성도 있음
... The Bank for International Settlements, a club for central banks, has suggested that govcoins might be used in DeFi apps, providing stability.
Down the rabbit hole | The beguiling promise of decentralised finance
And its many perils
beguiling promise
beguiling 묘한 매력이 있는
peril (심각한) 위험
fodder [못마땅함] …에만 쓸모가 있는 사람[것]
ether (무선 통신의 매개체로서의) 대기
freakishly devoted
freakishly 변덕스럽게, 기형적으로
proselytiser [격식, 흔히 못마땅함] 개종[전향]시키려 하다
off-putting 정이 안 가는, 좋아하기 힘든
sober consideration
sober 냉철한, 진지한
entail 수반하다 (=involve)
akin to [격식] ~와 유사한
incorruptible common record 변조되지 않는 공공기록
incorruptible (돈으로) 매수할 수 없는
title deeds 소(小)부동산권리증
muscle in 힘[우격다짐]으로 밀어붙이다
juicy target
juicy [비격식] (많은 돈·만족감을 안겨 주어서) 매력적인[군침을 흘릴 만한]
captured by insiders
at least in theory
yardstick 기준, 척도
verifying (진실인지·정확한지) 확인하다
intimate secrets 개인적인 비밀
prosaic 평범한, 상상력이 없는 (=unimaginative)
scale easily
scale 크기를 변경[조정]하다
external anchor of value
on force 강제로
enforce an eviction 강제로 퇴거시키다
eviction 축출, 쫓아냄; 되찾음
rudimentary 가장 기본[기초]적인 (=basic)
disproportionate sway over
sway (마음을) 흔들다[동요시키다] (=influence)
malign actor 해악/유해 행위자
intermingle [격식] (사람·생각·색깔 등을) 섞다[혼합하다]
embody a technical architecture
embody (사상·특질을) 상징[구현]하다 (=represent)