The world this week | Business | Apr 20th 2023
1. 머스크, 인공지능 회사 'X.AI' 설립…AI 경쟁 가세
Elon Musk said he would launch a new artificial-intelligence platform called Truthgpt as a rival to Chatgpt and other generative-ai bots, somewhat contradicting his recent call for a moratorium on developing such technology.
2. 구글 CEO "AI 발전 우려스럽다. 종합 규제 방안 마련해야"
Sundar Pichai, Google’s boss, warned that the world was not ready for the rapid changes that new ai will bring, saying it would “impact every product across every company”.
3. '개표기 부정 선거' 주장한 美 폭스뉴스, 개표기 업체에 1조원 배상하기로
Fox News reached a settlement with Dominion Voting Systems over the broadcaster’s fake claims that Dominion’s machines helped “steal” the election in 2020 from Donald Trump.
4. 영국 3월 물가상승률 10.1%…식품값 45년 여만에 최고치
Britain’s annual rate of inflation dipped in March to 10.1%, still stubbornly high and now twice America’s rate of 5%.
5. 중국 1분기 성장률 4.5%…'리오프닝' 후 반등
China’s economy grew by 4.5% in the first quarter, year on year, beating the expectations of most economists.
6. SVB 사태에도 미국 은행들 예상 밖 호실적…실적 발표에 쏠리는 눈
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in March didn’t harm business at most of America’s big banks in the first quarter.
7. "크레디트스위스에 2020년까지 獨 나치 연관 계좌 살아 있었다"
Credit Suisse can’t get a break. After collapsing in March, the bank faced claims this week from American senators that it had hampered an investigation into the “historical servicing of Nazi” accounts, which in some cases continued until 2020.
8. 中 핑안보험, HSBC에 아시아사업 분리 요구
HSBC’s biggest shareholder increased pressure on the bank to hive off its Asian business.
9. 존슨앤드존슨, 발암 논란 베이비파우더 관련 11조원 배상 제안
A $6.9bn charge related to up to 70,000 claims that its talcum powder causes cancer drove Johnson & Johnson to a small quarterly loss.
10. 테슬라 “매출 늘고 순익 줄어”…차값 추가 인하
Tesla’s aggressive price cuts of its cars drove a 24% rise in revenue in the latest quarter, year on year. But the lower prices hit net profit, which fell, also by 24%
11. "광고요금제 효과 통했나"…넷플릭스 구독자 수 1분기 175만명↑
Netflix netted another 1.75m subscribers in the first quarter, taking its global users to 232.5m.
12. 애플, 인도 뭄바이에 첫 매장 오픈...팀 쿡 "오랫동안 공들인 인도 진출 감격"
Apple opened its first stores in India, in Mumbai and Delhi. Tim Cook, Apple’s boss, attended the grand openings.
The world this week | Business | Apr 20th 2023