APR 15TH 2023 | How to survive a superpower split
1. 美경제 성장 지표가 주는 시사점
Riding high | The lessons from America’s astonishing economic record
The world’s biggest economy is leaving its peers ever further in the dust
2. 서방진영은 더 많은 우방국을 끌어들일수 있을까?
Non-alignment | Can the West win over the rest?
In a more transactional world the price of influence is going up
3. 마크롱 대통령의 중국 방문 파장
Europe, China and America
Emmanuel Macron’s blunder over Taiwan
The French leader has made a dangerous situation worse
4. 확대되는 미-중의 인도 태평양 경쟁
Putting the Indo into Indo-Pacific
Rivalry between America and China has spread to the Indian Ocean
The most powerful navies are swarming to a long-neglected maritime region
5. 공산당원 필수 교육과정에 포함된 시진핑 사상체계
China | Knives out
The president has launched a new campaign to ensure C ommunist Party
members understand his thinking. It will not be fun for bure aucrats
6. 최악의 美 기밀 유출 사태의 파장
The slides that came in from the cold
A leak of files is one of America’s worst intelligence breaches in a decade
7. 800조 달러 보조금 프로그램(IRA)으로 생겨나는 새로운 로비 생태계
Welcome to the green swamp
America’s $800bn climate splurge is feeding a new lobbying ecosystem
8. 전기차 보급 확대에 따르는 니켈 수급의 고민
Nickel and dimes
Indonesia’s nickel boom tests Western green sensibilities
9. 틱톡의 사상 최대실적
ByteDance the night away
ByteDance, TikTok’s Chinese parent, reports a record profit
10. 삼성, 반도체 감산은 안주 신호, 인텔이 반면교사
Samsung should be wary of Intel-like complacency
11. 대출기업으로 번지는 실리콘밸리은행 사태 후유증
The big squeeze
Life is getting tough for borrowers. Where will the pain be felt?
12. 정부의 은행시스템에 대한 통제 범위
Free exchange
How the state could take control of the banking system
APR 15TH 2023 | How to survive a superpower split