APR 1ST 2023 | America v China
1. 더욱 위험한 단계로 진입 중인 미중 갈등
America v China
Why the China-US contest is entering a new and more dangerous phase
Chinese officials rage at what they see as American bullying
2. 미국의 경제제재 확대와 만만치 않은 중국의 보복 대응
A daunting arsenal
America’s commercial sanctions on China could get much worse
And China could retaliate in kind
3. 좀비 은행 양산을 우려해야 하는 미 은행 시스템
Undead finance
America risks propping up zombie banks
The banking crisis may have calmed, but only because of a government backstop
4. 극심해지는 프랑스 연금개혁 반대
More strikes and demonstrations against French pension reform
No good options
5. AI 주도권 경쟁에 나선 빅테크
Mastering the machine
Big tech and the pursuit of AI dominance
6. 재능있는 또라이에 대한 현명한 사내 정책
A zero-tolerance approach to talented jerks in the workplace is risky
Even if banning them sounds attractive
7. 에너지전환으로 수요가 폭발하는 구리 공급 이슈
Copper is the missing ingredient of the energy transition
Where on Earth will it be found
8. 은행권 사태가 경제위기로 전이될 것인가
Dime turners
Will the recent banking chaos lead to an economic crash?
So far, people seem remarkably blasé
9. 다음 위기의 진앙지로 우려되는 상업용 부동산
The next shoe to drop
Commercial-property losses will add to banks’ woes
Real-estate investors see a hellish-perfect-dumpster-fire-storm
10. 도이치방크 사태로 보는 유럽-미국 은행의 차이점
Credit where it’s dull
European banks and the price of safety
Why the continent’s lenders are so different to those in America
11. 소셜미디어가 은행권 패닉을 유발했을까?
Did social media cause the banking panic?
New technology does more than just speed up financial wobbles
12. 중간소득함정을 극복한 나라들은 어디에 있을까?
Losing its bite
Which countries have escaped the middle-income trap?
Progress is more noticeable in the Gulf than Africa
13. 중국내 금융 리스크는 우려되지만 외부로 전이되지는 않음(미국과 차이점)
Free exchange
China is now an unlikely safe haven
The country’s financial risks are its own. America’s quickly become everybody else’s, too
APR 1ST 2023 | America v China