MAR 11TH 2023 | The struggle for Taiwan
1. 대만에서의 미중 충돌을 막는 방안(Special report)
America, China and Taiwan
How to avoid war over Taiwan
A superpower conflict would shake the world
2. 인플레이션을 잡기 위한 고금리 정책이 먹히지 않는 美경제 상황
Too fast to land
A stubbornly strong economy complicates the fight against inflation
Higher interest rates are not sufficiently slowing global growth
3. 연금개혁과 우크라이나 전쟁으로 위기에 빠진 마크롱
Macron’s troubles
Strikes at home and war in Ukraine test the French president
It is a critical moment for Emmanuel Macron
4. 강제징용 배상해법을 제시한 한국 정부와 반중국 전선 강화에 반색하는 미국
East Asian Relations
South Korea has a plan to end its forced-labour feud with Japan
America hopes it will solidify a united front against China
5. 인공지능은 사람의 일자리를 위협할까?
Where are all the robots?
Don’t fear an AI-induced jobs apocalypse just yet
6. 유리천장 지수가 다시 악화되고 있는가?
The glass-ceiling index
After years in decline, is the gender pay gap opening up?
7. 근무에서 받는 짜증이 주는 작은 위안
Bartleby | he small consolations of office irritations
The silver linings of interruptions and impostor syndrome
8. AI를 도입한 금융산업이 주는 시사점
A techy tug-of-war
Lessons from finance’s experience with artificial intelligence
Humans can take on the machines
9. 스테그플레이션 시기에 원자재 거래가 중요한 이유
Why commodities shine in a time of stagflation
They offer high returns, low correlation with other assets and protection from inflation
10. 신흥국 중앙은행의 실험은 인플레이션을 재점화 시킬 우려가 있다
Free exchange
Emerging-market central-bank experiments risk reigniting inflation
New policies could undermine two decades of progress
MAR 11TH 2023 | The struggle for Taiwan
The struggle for Taiwan | Mar 11th 2023 | The Economist
The struggle for Taiwan – Weekly edition of The Economist for Mar 11th 2023. You've seen the news, now discover the story.