The world this week | Business | Feb 9th 2023
1. MS, 챗GPT 같은 검색 엔진 '빙' 공개…구글과 한판승부
The business of searching the internet, dominated for over 20 years by Google, was on the cusp of disruption, with various announcements that chatbots based on artificial intelligence are to be incorporated into search engines.
2. 위기의 아다니그룹, 부채 일부 상환 소식에 계열사 주가 반등
Some of the companies in the embattled Adani Group reported a rise in profits. That prompted a rally in their share prices after a two-week rout sparked by a short-seller’s claim that the stock was being artificially inflated (Adani denies the allegation).
3. “15% 인력 감축”··· 줌, 구조조정 대열에 합류
Zoom announced that it would cut 15% of its workforce, or 1,300 jobs.
4. 월가, 실리콘밸리 구조조정에 환호
Investors seem to be enthused by the extensive cost-cutting at America’s tech giants.
5. 토탈에너지도 웃었다…러 철수에도 고유가에 사상 최대 실적
The combined profits for 2022 of the five biggest Western oil companies have now reached almost $200bn.
6. 러시아, 1월 재정적자 30조…“원유 판매 감소·전쟁비 폭증 탓”
With its spending on the war in Ukraine soaring, Russia’s monthly budget deficit ballooned to 1.76trn roubles ($25bn).
7. 크레디트스위스, 4분기 1조9천억 손실…금융위기 이후 최악 실적
The Swiss bank was hit by a surge in withdrawals from wealthy clients in October.
8. 미국 ‘일자리 서프라이즈’에…“연준 금리 더 올릴지도” 긴장하는 시장
American employers created 517,000 jobs last month, the highest number for January since 1946 and well above the market forecast.
9. 손정의, 日소프트뱅크 실적발표 첫 불참
SoftBank’s Vision Funds reported another big quarterly loss, of $5.5bn.
The world this week | Business | Feb 9th 2023