The world this week | Business | Jan 19th 2023
1. 일본은행, 금융완화 유지…올해 경제성장률 전망 1.7%로 낮춰
Markets were left dumbfounded by the Bank of Japan’s decision to stick with its policy of controlling the yield on Japanese long-term government bonds.
2. 영국 12월 물가상승률 10.5%…최고치 이후 감소했지만 여전히 높아
Britain’s annual inflation rate dipped only slightly in December, to 10.5%.
3. 골드만삭스, 순익 66%급감…11년만의 최악 어닝미스/ 자산관리 키운 모건스탠리 ‘그나마 선방’
Goldman Sachs reported a slump in profit for the fourth quarter, caused in part by a slowdown in investment banking.
4. 1년 간의 정부 규제에서 벗어난 디디추싱
Didi Global said that China’s network-security office had given it permission to sign up new users to its ride-hailing service, 18 months after people were banned from downloading its app amid a crackdown on China’s tech giants.
5. 중국 2022년 GDP 성장률 3.0%, "문화혁명 이후 두 번째로 최저”
China’s economy grew by just 3% in 2022, the weakest expansion since 1976 apart from 2020. Last
6. 올해 석유 수요 "사상 최대"‥중국 방역완화 영향
The “reopening” of China’s economy after zero-covid will affect a number of industries this year. The International Energy Agency reckons that oil demand will hit a record 101.7m barrels a day, with around half the gain coming from China, even though the speed of its reopening is uncertain.
7. 독일 지난해 경제성장률 1.9%…'전쟁·물가급등에도 선방'
German gdp grew by 1.9% in 2022, despite the energy crisis and knock-on effects of the war in Ukraine. Germany’s economy ministry thinks a slowdown in the coming months will be “milder and shorter than expected”.
The world this week | Business | Jan 19th 2023