The world this week | Business | Oct 27th 2022
1. 유럽 천연가스 가격 급락…비축량 필사적으로 늘린 영향…러 공급 중단 이후 처음으로 100유로 아래로...반등 요인은 잔뜩
European natural-gas prices fell below €100 ($100.8) per megawatt hour for the first time since Russia cut supply in June, as lower demand amid mild weather and large amounts of gas in storage helped to ease concerns about winter shortages.
2. 시진핑 3기에 시장 ‘싸늘’···미국 상장 중국 5대 기업 시총 75조원 증발
The Nasdaq Golden Dragon index, which tracks American-listed shares of Chinese companies, has fallen by more than half in a year
3. 바이든 엄포에도…사우디 투자행사에 美거물급 금융권 인사들 '우르르'
Saudi Arabia is set to have one of the world’s fastest-growing economies in 2022.
4. 애플·아마존 "4분기 실적 더 나빠질 것"…빅테크發 '빅쇼크'
The tech giants, Alphabet and Microsoft, announced slower revenue growth as customers cut spending.
5. 유럽 주요 대형은행 실적 호조
European banks reported bumper third-quarter profits as a result of higher interest rates, which tend to boost bank earnings.
6. 필립스, 3분기 순손실 13억달러…4천명 감축안 발표
Royal Philips, a Dutch health, technology company, will slash 4,000 jobs, around 5% of its workforce, as it attempts to cut costs amid high inflation.
7. 美항공주 주가 날개 펴나…3분기 줄줄이 '실적파티'
America’s big three airlines reported increases in third-quarter transatlantic revenues compared with 2019, as the strong dollar encouraged Americans to book trips to Europe.
8. 유럽 최대 석유회사 셸 사상 2번째 최대 실적 발표
Shell, Europe’s largest energy firm, announced its second-highest quarterly profits ever on the back of higher oil and gas prices.
9. 하이네켄 3분기 매출 9% 상승(시장 기대치 하회)
Heineken, a Dutch brewer, reported an 8.9% rise in beer sales during the third quarter, falling short of the average analyst estimate of 11.8%, as higher food and energy prices cut into consumer spending in Europe.
The world this week | Business | Oct 27th 2022