The world this week | Business | Oct 20th 2022
1. 영국 재무장관 “감세안 대부분 철회하겠다”…파운드화 상승
- 리즈 트러스 영국 총리 전격 사임…역대 ‘최단명’(44일)
Markets reacted positively to the British government’s decision to scrap most of its unfunded tax cuts.
2. 영국 9월 물가상승률 10.1%…식품값 42년만에 최고폭 뛰어…또다시 40년 만에 최고치
- 변동성이 큰 식품과 에너지를 제외한 핵심 인플레이션은 8월의 6.3%에서 9월에 6.5%로 올라
- 우유와 버터 등 생필품 +14.6%, 에너지 가격 +70%(천연가스 2배)
Staples like milk and butter were up by even more, some 30%. Energy costs were up by 70%, as gas prices nearly doubled over the year.
3. 천하의 골드만삭스도 생존 몸부림…"회사 역사상 최대 조직개편"
- 실적발표 후 CEO도 경고…"경기침체 가능성 크다"
A raft of earnings from America’s big banks showed a decline in profits as rocky markets took a toll on their lucrative investment-banking business.
4. "美 강타한 허리케인 이언, 보험사 손해액 82조원 달할 수도"
The reinsurance company reckons the total insured market loss from the storm, which hit west Florida in September, would be between $50bn and $65bn.
5. 국제에너지기구 "재생에너지 확대로 올해 세계 이산화탄소 배출량 1% 증가에 그쳐"
- 태양에너지와 풍력에너지 발전량 사상 최대(10억 톤 감소 효과)
“defying expectations”, global carbon-dioxide emissions are expected to grow by only 1% this year.
6. 테슬라 3분기 매출 예상치 밑돌아…순이익은 증가
Tesla has delivered fewer cars than it had forecast, but raised their price as the cost of parts for the vehicles increased. Investors wonder whether this could continue in a recession.
7. 폭스콘 "언젠가 우리가 테슬라도 만들것"
Foxconn hopes to do the same for electric vehicles, and perhaps take half that market
8. 아직도 잘나가네…넷플릭스 가입자 '깜짝 증가'
Netflix gained a net 2.4m subscribers in the third quarter, more than twice the number it had forecast and reversing six months of customer losses.
9. 美 슈퍼마켓 공룡 탄생…2위 크로거, 4위 앨버트슨 인수
They “expect to make store divestitures” to satisfy competition regulators.
10. "인플레로 대체육 수요 감소"…비욘드미트, 인력 19% 감원하기로
Consumers are now tightening their belts and have lost an appetite for pricier alternative-meat products.
11. 엑슨모빌, 러시아서 '빈손 철수'
The Russian government expropriated its 30% stake in the Sakhalin-1 oilfield.
12. 中, 18일 예정 3분기 경제 성장률 발표 연기…당 대회 영향인 듯
it did not want potentially bad economic figures to detract from the crowning of Xi Jinping for a third term as leader.
The world this week | Business | Oct 20th 2022