Asia | Banyan | Panic button
South Korea’s president needs to learn the basics
Politics is as much about presentation as policy
Aug 25th 2022
Speaking to the press on his 100th day in office, on August 17th, Yoon Suk-yeol could hardly have been less charismatic had he tried. Rattling at breakneck speed through obvious policy ambitions (denuclearising North Korea, mending ties with Japan) and minor accomplishments (attending a nato meeting in Spain), South Korea’s president at least upheld his campaign promise not to “put on a show”.
That is in keeping with the anti-politician schtick that he deployed to win office in March. His predecessor, Moon Jae-in, was a smooth operator with a long political career. Mr Yoon is a gruff prosecutor who entered politics less than a year before he was elected. Yet as president, the schtick has been exposed as reality: his lack of political skill has become a liability.
윤 대통령은 당선되기 1년도 채 되지 않아 정계에 입문한 거친 검사다. 그러나 대통령으로서, 그의 정치적 기술 부족이 부담이 되었다.
Less than a third of South Koreans view him favourably. Though many dislike his policies, especially on education and the economy, they loathe the imperious way he presents them. His attempts to look open by allowing journalists to fire questions at him as he comes to work have instead made him look unprepared. Mr Yoon is, to mangle a handy Korean phrase, getting his clothes soaked in a drizzle of unforced errors.
많은 사람들이 특히 교육과 경제에 관한 그의 정책을 싫어하지만, 그들은 그가 그것들을 제시하는 건방진 방식을 더욱 혐오한다.
그가 출근할 때 기자들이 그에게 질문을 던질 수 있도록 함으로써 열린 모습을 보이려는 그의 시도는 오히려 그를 준비되지 않은 것처럼 보이게 되었다.
This unpopularity could undermine his agenda. A perception of incompetence and arrogance makes the people—and the press—predisposed to think the worst of him. Another Korean expression may apply: Mr Yoon has begun doing up his shirt with the wrong button.
What Mr Yoon needs is someone like Tak Hyun-min, the previous president’s spin doctor. Mr Tak controlled every aspect of Mr Moon’s public persona, ensuring every photo-op sent the right message and that his words and actions always met the moment. Mr Yoon has belatedly recognised this. On August 21st he hired as his senior public-relations secretary Kim Eun-hye, a politician who used to be a news anchor. Banyan wonders what advice Ms Kim might give Mr Yoon to get his presidency back on track.
One tip is obvious. Politicians are judged not just on what they do, but how they do it. Several of Mr Yoon’s appointments to his cabinet and personal staff have had a whiff of impropriety about them. A fair share of them came from the prosecutor’s office, his previous fief. Four of his cabinet nominees withdrew from the process over accusations of nepotism, graft or sexual harassment. On many occasions Mr Yoon has skipped conventional vetting procedures. His defence is that the appointments are perfectly legal. That is a prosecutor’s answer. A politician knows that the appearance of propriety counts just as much as the thing itself.
윤대통령은 전통적인 조사 절차를 생략한 경우가 많다. 그의 변호는 그 임명이 완벽하게 합법적이라는 것이다. 그것은 검사의 대답이다. 정치가는 보여지는 예절이 본질 가치만큼이나 중요하다는 것을 안다.
Since his dip in the polls, Mr Yoon has repeated his victory promise to “follow the people’s will”. A second thing Ms Kim could impress upon him is that presidents should lead, not follow. His job is to make hard choices and explain his decisions clearly, something he failed to do when moving his office across the capital at great cost to the taxpayer. Mr Yoon has yet to learn even the basic political trick of presenting every popular policy as his own idea, let alone master the much harder task of selling unpopular ones.
윤대통령은 인기 없는 정책을 추진하는 훨씬 더 어려운 과제를 숙달하기는커녕 모든 인기 있는 정책도 자신의 아이디어로 제시하는 기본적인 정치적 기술조차 아직 배우지 못했다.
Ms Kim might also tell South Korea’s president that, while rushing in headlong looks unprofessional and backtracking appears inept, to do both is the hallmark of an amateur. Mr Yoon could have explained away not meeting Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of America’s House of Representatives, when she visited Seoul after a trip to Taiwan earlier this month. Instead he dealt with criticism by making a last-minute phone call to her. Similarly, an announcement in July that children would start school a year earlier was so unpopular that the minister responsible, Park Soon-ae, was forced to resign. The briefest of consultations would have predicted the backlash.
Mr Yoon has had a bad start. He is not just unpopular. He also faces an opposition-controlled parliament and does not completely control his own party. He has already reshuffled his personal office, and still needs to fill the important positions of health and education ministers. He would do well to bring in not just competent and scandal-free people, but those from beyond his immediate circle, which would help widen his support. And he will need to act fast to win over the public. With just a single five-year term allowed by the constitution, South Korean presidents have little time to build a legacy. Hence the last and most important bit of advice, which takes in all the previous ones: learn the rules before you break them.
유능하고 스캔들이 없는 사람들뿐만 아니라 그의 직계 밖의 사람들을 데려오는 것이 그의 지지를 넓히는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 그리고 그는 대중을 설득하기 위해 빠르게 행동할 필요가 있을 것이다. 헌법에 의해 단 한 번의 5년 임기가 허용된 한국 대통령들은 유산을 만들 시간이 거의 없다. 그러므로 <마지막이자 가장 중요한 조언>은 이전의 모든 조언들을 포함하는 것이다: 규칙을 타파하기 전에 우선 기본을 배워라.
This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline "Panic button"
South Korea’s president needs to learn the basics
Politics is as much about presentation as policy