JUL 16TH 2022 | Wake up, Democrats!
JUL 16TH 2022 | Wake up, Democrats!
1. 에너지 위기 속에 힘겨운 겨울을 대비하는 유럽
Energy | Europe’s coming winter peril
A bitter energy crisis is in prospect. Europe needs to act now
2. 민주당은 극단적인 당내 의견을 관리해야 함
American politics | Wake up, Democrats
For the good of America, the governing party urgently needs to take on its own activists
3. 아베의 유산과 일본의 미래
Japan | After Abe
Japan should stay true to Abe Shinzo’s vision—up to a point
4. 한국의 집권당의 혼돈
South Korea | The way the wind blows
Intra-party feuding distracts South Korea’s president
The People Power Party is embroiled in scandal and recrimination
5. 반도체 업계에 대불황이 오는가?
Semiconductors | When the chips are way down
After a turbocharged boom, are chipmakers in for a supersize bust?
Surging supply and softening demand are bringing the pandemic’s superstar industry back to Earth
6. 트위터가 직면한 정체
Twitter v Elon Musk | Blocked and reported
With or without Elon Musk, Twitter is overdue a shake-up
Behind a stagnation in users lies a stagnating product
7. 어색함과 긴장감의 연속인 직장생활
Bartleby | How to navigate workplace awkwardness
Small moments of excruciating tension
8. 시장의 불확실성이 과거보다 확대되는 이유
Buttonwood | Why markets really are less certain than they used to be
Three gauges of investor fear are unusually high
9. 인플레이션이 동시에 보여주는 통화정책의 가치와 한계
Free exchange | Inflation shows both the value and limits of monetary-policy rules
A search for the right equation to overcome the fallibility of human judgment