The world this week | Business
The world this week | Business
1. 트위터, 머스크 상대로 ‘인수계약 강제’ 소장 제출...“의무 이행해야”
Twitter described Mr Musk’s complaints as “imaginary conditions”, called his actions a mark of “disdain” and said that his “exit strategy is a model of hypocrisy”
2. 미 물가 9% 폭등…자이언트스텝 넘는 금리인상 가나
pressure on the Federal Reserve to increase interest rates at a faster clip
3. 한은 사상 첫 '빅스텝', 금리 1.75→2.25%…3연속 인상도 처음
It was the biggest rise under a policy regime that started in 1999.
4. 1유로, 20년 만에 1달러도 하회…공격적 긴축 가능성 영향
The euro has fallen by 11% since the start of the year. The European Central Bank has been slower off the blocks than its counterparts in upping interest rates, but is expected to so do this month.
5. 위기의 넷플릭스, '광고' 넣은 싼 요금제 본격 시동
it is working on a new lower-priced subscription plan that will include adverts among its content
6. 르노, 러시아 철수로 상반기 판매 30% 급감
Renault now sells half the vehicles it did four years ago.
7. 인력난에…英 히드로공항, 휴가철 하루 이용객 10만명 제한
Heathrow introduced a cap on passenger numbers of 100,000 a day and asked airlines not to sell new tickets for departures from its terminals for the rest of the summer.
8. 전세계 PC 출하량 두자리수 급감...1위는 中 레노버
Supply-chain disruptions were also a factor, but this has mainly shifted from component shortages to logistics disruptions.
The world this week