JUN 25TH 2022 | The right way to fix the energy crisis
JUN 25TH 2022 | The right way to fix the energy crisis
1. 에너지 쇼크 시대의 대안
Power struggle
How to fix the world’s energy emergency without wrecking the climate
2. 구글의 헬스케어 분야 도전
Google’s health ambitions
Alphabet wants to shake up a seemingly undisruptable multi-trillion-dollar industry
3. 신흥국 리스크 확대 우려
Modelling insurrection risk
A wave of unrest is coming in emerging markets. Here’s how to avert some of it
4. 인플레이션 상승기에 불안해지는 유로화
The ECB’s next headache
How fighting inflation could imperil the single currency
5. 전동화는 기후 위기 대응을 위한 시작점
Electrifying everything does not solve the climate crisis, but it is a great start
6. ARM이 주목받는 이유
Why everyone wants Arm
The British chip designer behind the smartphone revolution looks destined to stay small
7. 불쌍한 관리자의 역할
Bartleby | Pity the managers
Don’t overdo the sympathy, but the job is both necessary and demanding
8. 암호화폐가 붕괴되는 메커니즘
Crypto carnage
Three mechanisms for crypto contagion
9. 진정한 시험대에 오른 핀테크 업계
Fintech fizzles
After a golden decade, fintech faces its first true test
10. 폭락 장의 가치평가(바닥은 어디인가)
Buttonwood | After the fall
What a key valuation measure says about buying the dip
11. 천연가스 프로젝트 투자의 양면성
Investing in natural gas
The rights and wrongs of investing in natural-gas projects
12. 기대 인플레이션를 낮추기 어려운 이유
Free exchange | Inflation expectations
Why inflation expectations could be hard to bring down. The first in a series on the central-bank pivot