MAY 7TH 2022 | The quantified self
1. 美 연방대법원의 심각한 분열(낙태권 보장 판례 뒤집을 듯…)
How to save the Supreme Court
To avoid breaking the Supreme Court, the nine justices need to restrain themselves,
2. 연준 금리인상의 후폭풍(글로벌 금융시장에 미치는 영향)
The Fed: more rate pain awaits
Tighter monetary policy is causing gyrations in financial markets. Worse is coming.
3. 알리바바는 중국 정부와 협력이 가능할까?
Alibaba and the 40 officials
Can Chinese big tech learn to love Big Brother?
4. 취임 전에 이미 인기가 시들해진 윤 당선자
South Korea’s president
The incoming president is already unpopular
5. 공급망 효율화에 도전하는 스타트업들
Unclogging supply chains
A flotilla of startups promises to streamline the world’s supply chains
6. 근무지 제약에서 해방된 소수의 근로자들
Bartleby | Work from anywhere
It sounds wonderful. But working from anywhere is only for a lucky few
7. 페이스북은 몰락하나?
Schumpeter | The end of Facebook?
What happens when the world’s biggest social network becomes its most doddery?
8. 일관성 없는 중국정부 정책이 낳은 주식시장의 약세
Chinese sentiment
China’s erratic policies are terrifying investors
9. 엔화 약세가 주는 시사점
Land of the crashing yen
Will an ever feebler currency save or sink Japan’s economy?
10. 경제적으로 성장할수록 외로움이 커지는 이유
Free exchange | Growing Solow
A calming explanation for why economic progress often disappoints
11. 장수의 길을 열어가는 데이터 기술
TQ: How data can help you live longer
Wearable technology is transforming health care. Do not delay the revolution
MAY 7TH 2022 | The quantified self
The quantified self | May 7th 2022 | The Economist
The quantified self – Weekly edition of The Economist for May 7th 2022. You've seen the news, now discover the story.